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Official Webpage


FastCGI module

Add the FastCGI module to the Apache Web Server

     tar xzvf apache-fastcgi.tar.Z 
     cd apache-fastcgi
     more README 
     cp src/mod_fastcgi.c /opt/web/apache_fast/src/
     cd /opt/web/apache_fast/src/
     vi Configuration

          # add this line to the bottom of the file
	  Module fastcgi_module    mod_fastcgi.o



FCGI Development Kit

     mkdir fcgi-devel-kit
     cd fcgi-devel-kit
     tar xzvf ../fcgi-devel-kit.tar.Z
     # use browser to read index.html file


FCGI Sample Application

FCGI print environment source code.

Compiling the Application

     cc -o echo.fcgi echo.c \
     -I /usr/local/src/fcgi-devel-kit/include/ \
     -L /usr/local/src/fcgi-devel-kit/libfcgi -lfcgi


Executing the application

Add the following to srm.conf

     AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi

Add the following to httpd.conf

     AppClass /opt/web/apache_fast/fcgi/echo.fcgi


Sample Ouput

Echo Web Browser Output Graphic

Last Modified: 14 May 1997

St. Louis Unix Users Group - Linux SIG