An Introduction to mSQL

1. From the manual

2. An example application
Download selectTasks.c
Download fatal.h
Download fatal.c

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #include <msql.h>
    #include "fatal.h"
    #define MAX_QUERY_LEN	4096
    int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
      int msqlSocket, msqlFieldsCounter, index;
      m_result *msqlResultHandle;
      m_row msqlResultRow;
      char queryString[MAX_QUERY_LEN];
      /* connect to database, NULL argument indicates localhost */
      if( ( msqlSocket = msqlConnect( NULL ) ) == -1 )
        fatal( "%s\n", msqlErrMsg );
      if( msqlSelectDB( msqlSocket, "tasks" ) == -1 )
        fatal( "%s\n", msqlErrMsg );
      /* build query string */
      strcpy( queryString, "select * from task_detail" );
      if( msqlQuery( msqlSocket, queryString ) == -1 )
        fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", msqlErrMsg );
        return( -1 );
      /* save the query to a result handle */
      msqlResultHandle = msqlStoreResult();
      /* determine how many fields were returned */
      msqlFieldsCounter = msqlNumFields( msqlResultHandle );
      /* spew the results */
      while( ( msqlResultRow = msqlFetchRow( msqlResultHandle ) ) != NULL )
        for( index = 0; index < msqlFieldsCounter; index++ )
          printf( "%s ", msqlResultRow[index] );
        printf( "\n" );
      /* free the result handle */
      msqlFreeResult( msqlResultHandle );
      /* documentation says this returns an int, msql.h indicates void */
      msqlClose( msqlSocket );
      return( 0 );
    #ifndef FATAL_H
    #define FATAL_H

    int fatal( char *, ... );

    #endif /* FATAL_H */
    /* Standard Headers */
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdarg.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    int fatal( char *format, ... )
      va_list args;
      va_start( args, format );
      vfprintf( stderr, format, args );
      va_end( args );
      exit( 1 );

Last Modified:   17 December 1997
St. Louis Unix Users Group - Linux SIG
Hughes Technologies